Il simbolo del labirinto riproduce i percorsi annui di Mercurio o del Sole?


  • Gioachino Chiarini


Is the Labyrinth an imitation of the annual paths of Mercury or rather of the Sun?

While H. Kern (Labirinti, 1981) argued that the pattern of the so called
Cretan Labyrinth was an imitation of the (apparent) path of the sun throughout the year, more recently Sig Lonegren referred it to the yearly
(apparent) movements of Mercury (Labyrinths, fourth edition 2007).
Lonegren’s arguments are however unconvincing. Indeed, it is possible
to demonstrate that the Cretan Labyrinth is a ‘closed’ symbolical
paradygm of the sun’s real endless circular motion.



Giornata in memoria di Aldo Bartalucci nel decennale della sua scomparsa (Pisa, 8 marzo 2013)