Note on CIL III 1338 (IDR III/3, 139)
Note on CIL III 1338 (IDR III/3, 139)This article examines a brief inscription found in the castrum of Micia(Romania), which was published by various scholars, includingMommsen in CIL III. The interpretation of the text by Mommsen wassoon eclipsed by the suggestion of Dessau that the altar was a dedicationto the Genius of the god Turmasgade. Since then, Dessau’s reading hasbecome widely accepted and it has not been questioned that the altar wasdedicated to Turmasgade. On the contrary, according to the author numerousobservations favour the earlier solution proposed by Mommsen.Moreover, as a result of the archaeological investigations that have beencarried out at this site since the 1930s and progress in the historical andepigraphic research, it is possible to move a step forward and offer anethnic identification for the abbreviated name at the beginning of the text.