Arnaldo Momigliano (1908-1987)


  • Lellia Cracco Ruggini


Arnaldo Momigliano passed away in 1985 but still today he remains
very relevant thanks to his scrupulous philological accuracy united with
a philosophical strenght of thought (two qualities rarely to be found in
the same scientific personality). Any discussion of him constitute a varied
and immense theme. Here I shall discuss Momigliano principally
as an historian within the modern historiography of the ancient world
(though, in fact, the principles are valid for any historian, not only those
of antiquity). In Italy this topic has already enjoyed early attention
thanks to the annual seminars held by Momigliano in Pisa after he was
called to the Scuola Normale Superiore in 1964. He was reintegrated
as a teacher at the end of the Second World War (1945), after his exile
from Turin to Great Britain in 1938 as a Jewish university professor.