La ἀπáτη di Mirrine: Omero nella Lisistrata di Aristofane


  • Linda Molli

Parole chiave:

Seduction, Διὸς ἀπάτη, Lysistrata, ἠπεροπεύειν


This paper aims at remarking the numerous existing correspondences between Hera’s seduction of Zeus in the Iliad (XIV 153-353), and Myrrhine’s seduction of Kinesias in Aristophanes’ Lysistrata (Ar. Lys. 829- 951). A close reading of both passages will help understanding Aristophanes’ poetics of allusion towards his model: in particular, the double use of ἠπεροπεύειν to convey the theme of seduction at 840 and 843, as well as his choice to place a seduction scene in a turning point of the plot, clearly reveal Aristophanes’ reminiscence of the Homeric Διὸς ἀπάτη.


2020-07-20 — Aggiornato il 2020-08-05