Topografia e topologia: la documentazione funeraria nei paesaggi liguri ed etruschi fra romanizzazione e tardo-antico


  • Simonetta Menchelli
  • Francesca Bulzomì
  • Silvia Marini

Parole chiave:

Funerary evidence, North coastal Etruria, Landscapes, Romanization


The paper deals with the epistemological value of funerary evidence for reconstructing the ancient landscapes in North coastal Etruria. 105 funerary sites dated from the 4th-3rd cent. BC up to the 7th cent. AD were studied with a topological approach and they provided significant information about the settlement patterns, the land-use, the road-systems and, in general, the economic and social peculiarities of this district. Moreover, graves and necropolises resulted very useful in identifying specific aspects and elements in the Romanization process both in the Ligurian and Etruscan areas.

