Comunicazione in ambito funerario nella Verona romana. Le donne dedicanti sui monumenti funerari: una selezione preliminare dal Museo Maffeiano


  • Silvia Braito
  • Myriam Pilutti Namer


Communication in the funerary space in Roman Verona. Female dedicatorson funerary monuments: a preliminary selection from the MuseoMaffeiano.

This paper presents a selection of stele preserved in the Museo Maffeianoat Verona which concern single women who dedicated a funerary monumentto themselves and their family. The inscriptions date back to the 1stand the 2nd century AD and they all come certainly from Verona. The rarityof the case study offers an unusual insight into the Roman funeraryculture of the city, potentially broadening our knowledge of the communicationbetween the dead and the living.



Quale memoria? Comunicazione e forme del ricordo nell’archeologia funeraria romana